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Sunday 26 February 2012

Starting the Digipak

This is where I airbrushed Grace, making her skin look clearer and getting rid of any blemishes.

Here I added text and a 'light box,' I also edited her eyes by making them brighter and bluer.

I made the cover pink because it is my favourite colour but also because it will then co-inside with the pink of the car for the back cover.

This was the finished product, after the initial editing. I used this as the base picture for the front cover of the digipak.

1. In this draft, I instead made the colour darker, and didn't use the edit of the eyes, (I did this afterwards because I thought that it would look better if it could stand out that Jessie J is looking right at you). I like this one, however it looks too dark, unedited and a bit too boring for Jessie J.

2. In this edit, I made the picture slightly more pink however not as much as previously shown in the initial editing.  I included more collaging which I really like, however if you look at Jessie J's actual front cover, its quite simple so I've decided that this one has just too much going on and is too 'busy'.

3. I really like this one because it is more simple, yet still shows off the collaging which I really like. However, although her eyes are edited, because of the pink tinting they don't stand out so much. I also don't really like where the text is because it cuts off her chin.

4. This one is actually my favourite because it is simple and her eyes are the most noticable. I prefer where the text is because it isn't in the way of her face and I prefer the colour as it is similar to her nails, however I don't think that the album name "Who You Are" stands out enough. It's a shame that it doesn't include any collage work however, this means that I can use this skill on either the inside or back covers.

-In the audience feedback, the most prefered front covers were number 1 and number 4 with 6 out of 20 votes each, however I don't really like number 1 so I think that I will go with 4. Number 3 was also really liked, getting 5 votes however only 3 people out of 20 said that number 2 was their favourite.

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