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Saturday 18 February 2012

3rd Cut of the Video

Here is the final rough cut of my video, I haven't completely finished it yet because I want to conduct some audience feedback on a few clips that I'm not too sure of.

Here are thoughts that I want to consider
I'm not sure whether I like the initial flashback (2nd shot) and if it suits the set up of the video.
I want to know what people think about:
  • the other flashbacks in genereal
  • the bath scene
  • the different roof clips
  • if I have enough clips as I only have around 60 and I've realised that Jessie J's music videos range from 110-320.
  • The ending - whether it should end with Crazy Jessie in the box or a happier ending with the flashback Jessie on the bed with the dog.
  • Whether I need to include the piano scene
To do this, I might create a questionnaire that I will give out to my friends, family and the people in my class.

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