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Monday 27 February 2012

Poster Ideas

This is another student's work that I think is really good. The pictures are copyright so I am not claiming that they are mine, I am only writing an analysis about them and taking inspiration from them.

This poster is a combination of all four of her posters. The top left poster used a photo that I previously blogged about; I really like it, and I like that she included that album cover on the poster (which appears in all four).

This comination of four posters concentrates on her lips, this is a good idea because Jessie J always focuses on her lips. I really like all of these posters however I don't think that it would really suit my poster.

This poster is really good, I like the simplicity and the similarities in the colours and she looks really stunning.

This is my favourite poster because she looks fun and it incorporates all of the conventions of Jessie J, for example her nails, lips and eyes looking sensual, her revealing some of her body, the varying colours and the font of Jessie J. I like that she included her album cover so that people can remember what the album looks like so that they will be more likely to buy it. This is the poster that I will take most inspiration from.

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