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Monday 20 February 2012

My view on the audience feedback

My main issue with the video was the fact that the shots before the ones where she is running along the corridor are quite dark. However nobody picked up on this fact so instead of reshooting, as I don't think that I have any time, I've decided that it is probably just me being too picky.

The main issues that people said that I need to work on are:

  • The shot at the end is too long, but I like that she finishes where she started.
  • Maybe too zoomed in where she is outside the house
  • Maybe too much use of the same effect unless this was planned as a running theme
  • Prefered the original opening with less cuts as it starts slower
  • Better to save the flashbacks for later on?
  • Opacity still needs work
  • Odd transition with mad Jessie
  • Don't like the "pony" shot - too random
  • Maybe have a 3rd jump cut with Bailey
  • Final shot of mad Jessie needed? Definitely too long
  • Love the ending when she is on the bed with Bailey, however I'm not too keen on the last scene of her back in the box - you want a happy ending - or maybe it is just too long.
Although audience feedback is important I've decided that I am going to keep the ending because my aim was for her to end up where she first started and as her eyes close the screen is black at the end. I might play around with the beginning, maybe going back to what it was previously like and also work on the opacity. The scene after they look through the glass at one another also needs work and I might include a 3rd jump cut with Bailey.

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