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Monday 20 February 2012

Audience Feedback of Final Video

I showed the final video to my class that is on YouTube to get audience feedback as I wasn't too sure about the beginning, end and a few of the new shots that I had included.

  • The shot at the end is too long, but I like that she finishes where she started.

  • Good editing and match on action
  • Good actor
  • Good use of setting
  • Lip syncing is good
  • Maybe too zoomed in where she is outside the house

  • Good use of shots
  • Mood swings change with the song which I like, (tempo and lyrics)
  • Change of outfits is good
  • Bailey's appearance :D
  • Happy ending, they are all back where they belong.

  • Good use of cuts and effects
  • Well timed
  • Music in sync with the video and moods

  • Maybe too much use of the same effect unless this was planned as a running theme
  • Good effect of the windows scene
  • Good use of slow motions
  • Like the different costumes
  • Love the bath scene

  • Prefered the original opening with less cuts as it starts slower
  • Better to save the flashbacks for later on?
  • Opacity still needs work
  • Odd transition with mad Jessi
  • Don't like the "pony" shot - too random
  • Maybe have a 3rd jump cut with Bailey
  • Final shot of mad Jessi needed? Definitely too long

  • Like the use of multiple angles and leggings
  • flashback as if she is remembering who she is
  • like how she starts with the narrative then starts to sing
  • You have to watch the video many times in order to catch everything so this means that the audience will want to watch it many times (repeatability factor)!
  • Good use of shots of her going on to the roof
  • Like the ending - shows that this is the different parts of her.

  • Really good establishing shot
  • Love the scenes where she is in the garden i.e the swing
  • Love the bit where she is in the sheets - looks to innocent!
  • Great use of costume changes
  • Love the lighting effects/slow motion shots of her running
  • Looks so effective as she being raised on top of the building
  • Love the ending when she is on the bed with Bailey, however I'm not too keen on the last scene of her back in the box - you want a happy ending - or maybe it is just too long.

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