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Thursday 23 February 2012

Looking back at Other Music Videos again.

This music video that I previously looked at has around 194 different shots that I could count (give or take about 10 or so) and my video only has 50 which is a quarter of what they have!
I am worried that this might mean that mine isn't as good, however I am confident in my own work and I hope that this isn't a big issue; my song is a lot slower that this song and that is why I didn't opt to have as many shots. I also only used one camera which was really annoying, the reason for this was because the difference in camera quality between mine and the school's cameras was ridiculous.
I decided that it was better to have less shots then to have a varying quality between shots but to have a lot more.
This is the video that I found from another school that I am talking about:

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