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Monday 20 February 2012

Deciding on a Front Cover

I'm trying to decide on my music video's front cover, so if anybody could please comment and give me their opinion on which one works best, please?

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8


  1. I really like picture number 6 becauuse her facial expression looks very natural and the background is very nice it creates some kind of a contrast :) Also I quite like number 4 but I don'tthink it will be good for the front cover but I think it will bve nice if you use it in your digipak!xxx

  2. I like number 6 and number 7. I think my favourite is number 6

  3. I like number 7 because her hands draw you towards her face which of course is the main focus; if you use it you would need to crop it down so you don't get so much background because as you see from Jessie J's the whole frame is full of her.
    I agree with Dasha in that number 6 looks very natural and you don't want an picture of your artist being distributed around that makes them look uncomfortable. -Kim
