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Thursday 19 January 2012

Music Video So Far

Here is my music video so far. I am 1 minute and 50 seconds through (after that is just the song which I forgot to cut before posting it to vimeo), however now I think that I might need to cut the song down which I will have a look at next time that I'm editing.

Untitled from Caroline Birks on Vimeo.


  1. I really like your video so far. There are a couple of moments where the lip synch could be timed a tiny bit better and I agree about making the screen go black when she throws the coat. The scene with both of them could be adjusted a bit more too. Overall a few minor things for improvement and a great start to editing!

  2. Your video is really good so far.
    I like the use of different angles at the beginning of the video. There's a good use of visuals reflecting the lyrics of the song. When she throws her coat towards the camera it would be good for the screen to look black as it looks a little odd when the coat starts to drop and then you see her drop onto the bed. I like the use of lighting at 0:56 although at 1:01 you are able to see the tripod behind her so I would think about that. I love the overlaying of two clips at 1:20, what I get from that is that the old her is stuck indoors while the new her is outside and free. Good use of costume with the vibrant pink jacket and the new hair. I also like her walking towards the camera then the change to a close up of her; good use of the time of day.

    Although the video is mainly performance based there is a sense of narrative which is good.

    Well done!

  3. I really love the opening scene of the pond. I think the reflection in the water is really effective. I really like the different angles of Grace as she is confused where she is. I also really like the bedsheet scenes in the video, particualrly the angle where you are shooting above her as she sings into the camera. I think the shadow on half the side of her face is really effective as she stands up against the wall.
    The outside scenes work really well as we see a costume change, showing a different Jessie J - one who we are most familiar with as she is wearing crazy ecentric clothing.

    Overall I think you have really progressed in the editing so far and I can't wait to see the final cut of music video.
