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Tuesday 17 January 2012

More Filming

Today I did some more filming and I think I've done enough to complete the song to around 2 minutes. I have now realised that I think it would be best for me to cut the  song as on my storyboard I've done a section that doesn't need to be there. One idea that I have for filming was to get both the normal Jessie and the crazy Jessie to be on either side of the house looking at one another. By keeping the camera in the same position for both shots I was able to put one clip ontop of the other however in my storyboard I've allowed for enough time for both shots to appear forgetting that they woud be put ontop of eachother so there is around 20 seconds of unscheduled song.
Also when I was listening to the song the end of it is quite tedius and repetetive so I might cut some of the instrumental or the end of it off however I want to make sure that I have enough instrumental so that I can include my friend Clara playing on the piano as a performance element of the music video.

In todays filming I concentrated on finishing off all of the clips needed including close ups as my teacher and I decided that my camera that I'm using (Nikon J1) is a lot better quality than the schools cameras (Panasonic). I also came up with the idea that instead of ripping up the box which will take a lot of planning because I need to 're-make' a section of the box for her to destroy, I thought that instead she could throw her coat towards the camera and then fall forwards. I also thought that this could explain why she was on the bedsheets looking serene and explain how she managed to get out of the box. So I got Grace to sing the beggining of the song a few times over and then at the end to throw her coat at the camera. This took a few takes as she kept missing it!
I then decided to film the clip where the two clips were ontop of one another as by this point it was starting to get dark and I wanted there to be light still. I kept the camera in the same place and filmed the same section of song twice but with her once inside and then making a massive costume change with her outside. I think the light was slightly different but I can fix this in editing, also my camera kept running out of charge which was annoying but something that I will learn from.
I think decided to film Grace with a sheet on her falling out of the box, this will only be to a short amount of music just to explain how she got out. Then I filmed her falling onto the sheet from a lower angle alongside her and then her beginning to sing.

Next time I still need to film the several flashbacks that I need to include, the plane shot and the sections of Clara playing on the piano. Neither Grace or I can film until the 5th of February now which is making me quite nervous as I want to get on with it however I will just have to rearrange my action plan and I will focus now more on the editing and look into a few digipack ideas.

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