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Saturday 14 January 2012


Yesterday the 13th January 2012, I started filming. I got permission from my teacher to leave school early so that I could start filming whilst it was still bright so I picked Grace up from her school at 1.30 and headed to my house. We got to my house at around 2pm but then we had to set up the box and get her hair, make-up and costume ready. Once we got Grace and the Alice in Wonderland box ready we started to film.
It took about 4 takes to get into the filming as Grace and I kept laughing but in the end we got the hang of it. We filmed for around 2 hours and then realised that the natural lighting of the house had suddenly become very dark so we decided that we would use the lighting equipment that I got from school.
We used three cameras, two tripods and one piece of lighting in total and we finished around 6pm so we did 3 hours of filming and I think I'm about 1 minute 20 seconds into my storyboard which I believe is really good.
I decided to use 3 cameras so that the match on action would work perfectly however I am using two of the schools cameras and one of my own. My camera is by far the best quality shot however I am worried that when I start editing on Tuesday that the shots will have been taken in different modes and that the sizing will be different between the different cameras.
I am also filming on Tuesday afternoon as I have free lessons and Grace finishes at 1.30 again so if there are any problems, hopefully they will be sorted then. I've also left the set up in my sitting room so there will be less time spent on that and more on the filming so we'll be able to get even more done.

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