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Wednesday 18 January 2012


This is the first shot of the music video where it is setting the scene. I have increased the playback speed so that its playing back at double the speed. I did this because I wanted the water ripple to be really noticible. To get the water ripple I got Grace to flick through the water before I started filming.

This is the only clip that I want to use of Grace in the box from the first day of filming however in this shot the lighting is slightly different and she has more fake tan on then the other days so as you can see from the right hand side of the screen I am editing the colours and the saturation so that it looks similar to the other shots. The shot below is what the colours look like afterwards.

These 4 clips that you can see that are highlighted I've used as a sort of jump cut to emphasise the confusion on her face and how lost she is.

This is the very short clip of her falling however after she throws her coat and before this clip where she falls I think I want to include a very small black shot to look like the jacket is fully covering the camera which I will include now.

I filmed this clip upside down, from this editing you can see that I've turned it around so that it fits in with the music video better.

This was the end of a clip of Grace walking towards the camera to turn it off, however I think that it works where I've put it as its shows her getting up and walking as the scene after is her walking towards the window; thus creating a good sense of continuity.
This is the shot that I wanted to create with both Jessie's looking at one another, I did this by putting the clips on top of one another and playing with the opacity levels.
As you can see I've cut the clips into different sections so that they can have different levels of opacity. I changed the opacity level on the right hand side of the screen; when the two Jessie's are looking at eachother, the opacity levels are lower so that you can clearly see each shot.

1 comment:

  1. Good notes about the changes you made. This shows that you have done more than just basic editing
