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Saturday 21 January 2012


Here are some photos of Jessie J that I really like. She uses them in her advertising and posters.

This photo is advertising her first single "Do It Like A Dude"; here she looks very dominant and strong yet still beautiful. It catches your eye, and the single name is on this advert.

This advert is fun and colourful. Usual for Jessie J, it focuses on her nails, eyes and mouth making it sensual.

This is another advert for Jessie J, it is quite seductive as her bum is quite on show and so are her legs, however its done it quite a classy way and her signature "Jessie J" font appears once again.

I like all three posters however I think that mine will look most like the second one, as it is fun and a close up shot so that audience can relate with the artist and will then be more likely to remember it and then buy her album.

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