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Saturday 26 November 2011

Making a Decision

Although Chris Brown also has his own version of "I Need This" making the song very well known I believe that it fits it best with the ideas that I have for my music video.
The two that it came down to were either this song or "Mama Knows Best" which reminds me of a smoky club scene where she would be looking very sophisticated and looking as though it was set back in the 60s. To gain the best props for this would be difficult therefore making the finished product probably not as good.
I believe that although both songs would be very enjoyable to undergo in making a music video for them that I am going to run with "I Need This."
As soon as I started listening to the song I had ideas to use for it straight away. I wanted to have Jessie's character in the video to be trapped 'needing space' from both a boyfriend type person but also from herself so I would shoot her from both the inside of a building and from the outside editing it in such a way that it looked as though she was on both sides of the window looking in/out at herself.
I know it’s a big idea but I also wanted to film from an aeroplane for a few of my shots as I think this is quite typical in many music videos to film the location from a distance however I will only have one shot at this, as a flying place near me charges £100 per half an hour. So I won't get much time to film as it’s an expensive shot to get but I believe that it’s worth a try and could really work. Last Summer I went up in one of their planes for a flying lesson and flew over my house, this is a photo that I took whilst in the plane:

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