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Friday 18 November 2011

Action Plan

Here is my action plan; an action plan is a plan of what parts of the project are going to be done in what week. I have roughly 14 weeks to complete my Coursework, so I have organised my work schedule week by week, as follows:
   Week commencing-
·         Week of November 14, 2011
·          Set up blog
·          Create action plan
·          Discuss which artist’s music we’ll be using
·          Initial research into the genre

·         Week of November 21, 2011
·          Get in contact with the artist and their management asking for permission and research them
·          What is a music video and its history
·          Textual analysis of a music video in the same genre as the chosen song
·          Contact and get permission from the artist to use their music
·          Decide on the song for the music video
·          Gain cast and crew who will help me to film

·         Week of December 5, 2011
·          Reece information; looking at locations and taking photos.
·          Decide on location and gain correct lighting and filming equipment
·          Create cast list
·          Decide on mise-en-scene
·          Create the initial storyboard for the music video

·         Week of December 12, 2011
·          Research the best way to create representation in my own way
·          Speak to cast and crew about the story board and make any necessary alterations
·          Create shooting schedule
·          Create a risk assessment

·         Christmas Break
·          make sure all the script is learnt
·          start speaking with actors and do some practice shots

·         Week of January 4, 2012
·          Get all of my props ready
·          Create Risk Assesment
·         Week of January 9, 2012
·          Filming

·         Week of January 16, 2012
·          Filming
·          Photo-shoot of the artist for ancillary texts

·         Week of January 23, 2012
·          Filming
·          Begin editing

·         Week of January 30, 2012
·          Editing

·         Week of February 6, 2012
·          Editing
·          Research Ancillary Tasks

·         Half Term
·          Making/Organising the photo shoot

·         Week of February 20, 2012
·          Photo shoot
·          Final Editing

·         Week of February 27, 2012
·          Work on ancillary texts

·         Week of March 5, 201
·          Work on ancillary texts
·          Gain final audience feedback

·         Deadline March 9, 2012
·          Finish any last things remaining

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