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Saturday 19 November 2011

Genre Conventions - Textual Analysis

I watched 3 videos on youtube.com and then textually analysed them, looking at their expected conventions and if they fulfilled these expectations. I also decided whether I thought that the music videos displayed a performance, narrative or concept based video.
The three music videos were:
 - Something kinda OOO - Girls Aloud
 - Super massive Black Hole - Muse
 - Fit But You Know It - The Streets

Something kinda OOO - Girls Aloud
I believe that this genre is pop and is mainly a video aimed around the performance. This is quite a bit of the notion of looking through the car and in reflections. The conventions of this genre that would be expected from this early Girls Aloud Video would be that because it is mainstream it would include a lot of dance routines however it couldn't be too raunchy as a lot of younger girls would be watching and imitating it. This video would include the girls looking quite glamorous and pretty, there would be body shots and close ups of their faces. Examples of these conventions are the silhouette dancing, the fast car, crotch shots, when she whispers to the camera, her tattoo showing, when they hit their bums on the lines 'toot toot' and Cheryl's tattoo is showing. There are also many less obvious sexual references when they grab the gear sticks, and when they are pouting, winking or posing in front of the camera. However this video does not have much of a repeatability factor.

This is quite a rocky video and is centred on their performance and the concept ideas of the bird and using the masks. There is a notion of looking through binoculars, reflections and close up of eyes. This song is played in Twilight the movie so you would expect there to be quite an eerie and dark feeling behind it. (In some music videos clips from Twilight are used.) You would expect there to be close ups of the instruments and being focused on the skill of using the instruments. Normally the lead singer is focused on and he is seen as the most important. This song does fulfil the expected genre conventions as there are weird images of the birds, masks, fat men especially, people unzipping out of their costumes and entering into space and people freakishly twisting. There are close ups of the guitars and it is seen as a typical 'cock rock' film.

This is quite a rocky/pop genre and it uses the skill of sing/talking which is similar to the way Lily Allen performs. It’s a mainstream song and you would expect him to be walking along the street with a pun of their band name. There would be a cultural reference to London that would be expected as a contrast to the typical American rap song where everything is luxurious. What is featured is the main singer picking up photos and having people singing within them, walking around; there is also a guest performer that sings with him in the photos. There are women flashing for humour as the song is meant to be quite funny throughout. There in an inter textual reference to the Football Factory as the three men that star in the film are in this music video making a cameo appearance.

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