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Monday 28 November 2011

Deciding on a Target Audience

When deciding on a target audience you are basically trying to figure out who your video will appeal to so that you can generate the most views and therefore the most sales from your song. The music video is a form of expression from the artist but also a form of marketing and advertising from the record company. If they succeed in doing their job well, this will mean that when the music video comes out there should be a big increase in the sales of the particular song. A very good music video could lead to bigger sales in other songs by either the artist or the director due to the halo effect.

Questions that need to be thought of making a video should be:
1. What age is your video aimed at?
2. Are they male or female?
3. Will the audience be mainstream, niche, aspirers, performers, reformers or other?
4. Does your target audience watch music videos or do they just listen to the songs?
5. Where do they watch the music videos (if they do at all)? TV/Computer/Online/Other Media
6. Who their favourite artist is (in this case a slow tempo pop singer)?
7. What they expect from this artist in music videos?
8. Would they expect a storyline or just a performance in the video?
9. Do you like a dance routine in a music video?

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