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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Audience Theory

Theories about audiences are generally divided into two areas and focused on the effect of the media on individuals. This effect could be short term effect e.g. a violent reaction after playing a video game or a long term effect (which is more difficult to define).
The media can be perceived in a negative way though, for example Bandura's study into aggression where actors performed aggressive acts in front of children and he used a Bobo doll to see if they imitated any actions. This was done to see whether children acted how they had observed people acting in places such as on TV or in video games. It was shown that children particularly imitated adults of the same gender as their own.
The first area is often referred to as the 'hypodermic syringe model' in which media stimulus is followed by a straightforward response from the audience. A simple, but very well known, communication model which shows this at work is Lasswell's formula.
Who?      >     Says what?     >     In what channel?     >     To whom?     >     With what effect?
- However this model offers no change for the audience to offer feedback and assumes that all media are communicated with the purpose of gaining a response from the audience.

An alternative viewpoint comes from the 'uses and gratifications theory' which focuses on the idea that media audiences make active use of what the media offer. The audience has a set of need which the media in one form or another meet. The needs that the media meet fall into 4 categories.
- Diversion: a form of escaping from the pressures of everyday.
- Personal Relationships: where the viewer gains companionship, either with television characters, or through conversations with others about television.
- Personal Identity: where the viewer is able to compare their life with the lives of characters and situations on television, to explore, re-affirm or question their personal identity.
- Surveillance: where the media are looked upon for a supply of information about what is happening in the world.
Some theorists also believe that the media has a comparatively weak influence in moulding individual beliefs, opinions and attitudes and that other factors present in society, such as personal contact and religion, and are more likely to influence people.
As Abercrombie said in 1996, "Audiences are not blank sheet of paper on which media messages can be written; members of an audience will have prior attitudes and beliefs which will determine how effective media messages are."
- I believe that my music video will include different aspects of media and include all of the above points: diversion as by listening to the music you understand that you need to be happy and sometimes you need space so it allows you to escape from your own feelings for a while, it will also include personal relationships as hopefully many people will relate with what is going on and want Jessie J and therefore themselves to find happiness; this links with personal identity where people will compare their situations with the song. It also includes an aspect of surveillance as it shows that even famous starts aren't always happy. Because my music video will co-inside with all these points I believe that it will be very successful because it will appeal to various types of people.

After the results of my questionnaire it has confirmed that my video should be aimed at people aged 15-25 and they would be mainly Mainstreamers. According to Young and Rubicam's 4 C's Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation this means that the people like popular TV, films and music with nothing too offensive or challenging; those that want security and like routine. However because the song is about needing space and trying to find happiness it could also be aimed as Aspirers because people might feel as though they relate to the artist and feel like they now want to achieve goals. Aspirers want to be like the characters or stars and they see them as role models. They want a way of bettering themselves and want to achieve goals. Although I don't believe this point refers to my song, Aspirers are also those that have a strong materialistic drive and like status symbols (expensive cars etc).
My music video will appeal to girls mainly because it is sung by a solo female artist and because of the lyrics however it can appeal to boys who understand what Jessie J is singing about (either through a relationship or by understanding her feelings).

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