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Friday 9 March 2012

Final Music Video

Kim Bradbury final from Caroline Birks on Vimeo.

This is the final version of my music video, I have taken on board some of the last audience feedback that I got. For example I made the beginning a lot slower and more like how I first had it, I also removed the "pony scene" that my teacher didn't like where she in getting on the roof. The ending is similar however I did include the 3rd jump cut with my dog Bailey which means that the ending is shorter however I didn't end it with Bailey, I kept it with her in the box. I did this because that is what I wanted and the audience feedback was mixed about this ending anyways so there was no complete reason for me to do so. I believe that it works really well because she is ending up where she started and each character is back where they belong. The Jessie J that is the "star" is on the roof and has found freedom from her crazy self that is quite happy to be locked up in a crazy dream world whilst the younger and the Jessie J that we flashback to is happily in bed with her dog. I also changed the scene after they touch hands putting them ontop of eachother because I wanted the overlapping idea to carry on and I think that this looks really effective and gives the audience yet another thing to wonder at. In all, I am very pleased with this video and I didn't want to stop filming/editing for it!!

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