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Friday 9 March 2012

Final Digipak

Here is my final Digipak: (all images are full sized apart from the below image of them all together and the inside cover because otherwise they are too big)

This is what my digipak will look like when it has all been put together (14cm by 43cm - 1/2 cm for each spine).

This is the front cover, a lot of editing went into each of the panels of the digipak however this took the longest as I had to make the base picture before I could even start. I smoothed out her face and got rid of any blemishes, I changed the saturation and I made the centre of her face brighter. In the tutorial that I included in a seperate post, it is clear how I photoshopped her face. I also edited her eyes making them bluer and brighter, the light box around them emphasises them even more. I included the text (which I found on a website) which is the text that Jessie J uses and I made it have a shaddow, the same was done for "Who You Are." I included a Parental Advisory sticker which I found on Google, the other sticker that I included which explains that it is Limited Edition would also appear on the front cover however it would be on top of the plastic outer packaging of the digipak so that the cover isn't ruined by a sticker.

This is the back cover, in the end I decided to use the same photo but the other way around, not because it was easier but because it looked better. I had made other back covers that were not easy to make but in the end, it isn't the difficulty that is important, it is the effectiveness, and I believe that this back cover is the best one I made. I included a bar code, the DVD logo, other logos of companys that support Jessie J for example Lava Records and of course the track listings. It is split up between the normal CD and the DVD where the music video would be, it is explained that live performances and accoustic versions of songs would also be included in this bonus CD. Text is included underneath the track listings which I found from the back of Jessie J's album cover, it includes details such as copyright issues etc. I blurred her face so that it wasn't the same as the front cover and so that the track listings were more visible, making the light box fit in her hands, emphasising the box shape she is making in her hands.

This is the 3rd panel on the outside which basically includeds extra information about Jessie, her songs and the digipak. I used the similar picture once again but yet again changing it slightly so that it doesn't get boring. I used the idea of the information on this panel from the digipak that I earlier posted about from Enter Shikari. I really like this panel as her hair is used as the background for the text. Once again the same text and the light box is used again to portray familiarity. I really like the mirror edge and I think that the whole front cover works together well as it is all about the main character of Jessie J.

This is the inside cover, it is slightly more simpler, focusing on the girl in the bed sheets who looks innocent and pure, the mirror image effect is used again as it is a running theme throughout the digipak. So it the light box that I have used to highlight the message that Jessie J has written to her fans. The centre picture is there as a shocking element because she looks slightly out of place but this is done on purpose because in the music video she feels out of place. I made the light around her brighter so that there is a focus on her too and that is could almost look as though an ironic religious light is on her, playing tricks on Jessie's mind. The fact that this character is used on the inside is because, these are the pockets for the DVD and CD so it is here that you will actually see the character of the Crazy Jessie appear. (on the left 14cm square the CD would go - inside the pocket. On the right 14cm square the DVD would go - inside the pocket. I have also included space for 2  1/2cm by 14cm spines and the middle 14cm square is just a picture.)

This is the spine, once again her eye appears as this is a running theme though out and so is the fonts that have remained the same. I think it is simple but effective and it shows that I have paid attention to detail remembering to include a spine in my digipak.

This is the final version of my sticker for the outside front cover of the album. I have moved the text around slightly from the first version so that it fits in better. I decided to stay with the pink theme for the sticker as I think that it looks girly and pretty without it being too over the top and because it is a sticker it needs to stand out from the front cover and not just blend in with the same colour scheme.

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