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Friday 9 March 2012

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I have used many media technologies in making my video, both in terms of hardware and software. The hardware I used included a digital camera with video capabilities, a printer/scanner and a computer. The software used included Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X technologies, Paint and online blogger. During the making of the video I have increased my skills in using all of these and now feel extremely adapt in many types of hardware and software. Initially I used a PC as my computer, but due to the video making programme I needed to use an Apple Mac computer, and now feel confident using both computer platforms.

I list below the main technologies that I used to produce my video and explain their main uses and how useful they were to me.

Digital Video Camera

The digital camera I used also had video capabilities. I used the camera to get still shots to test the light levels of some of the scenes and to take photos to use on my blog. In some of the scenes I used a light to make sure that the images would not be too dark. I was familiar with taking photos and videos as I had used a digital camera in my short film last year, and I also like to take photos of any event that I go to, so I felt comfortable using the camera and video element of the camera especially as it was my own camera. Without doubt the digital camera and video was the most important technology I used as without it I would not have a video.


I used the scanner part of my printer to copy images to take into Photoshop so that I could build up a trial Digipack to get an initial feel as to how the final result would look. I also used it to scan pictures such as other digipaks and my storyboard so that I could put them on my blog. I found the scanner easy to use. This was a useful tool, but not essential.


This was what I placed the camera onto so that it was safe and I was able to have a smooth and even film with varying angles. I was also able to make sure that the video I took would without any ‘camera wobble’ and the pictures would not be blurred and would therefore be of a higher quality. I didn't use it in every shot for example where Grace spins around on the roof however it was essential as I used it a lot.
Extendable Legs

I could adjust these legs depending on where I wanted my clip to be filmed from. eg. being filmed from below makes the actor seems bigger and therefore more important, the one I used also had wheels however this wasn't really essential.


I found this extremely useful helping me in my planning; it also helped me to expand my thoughts and get feedback from others. I used this in my AS studies so I have no problem using it again for my music video this year. I really enjoy blogging and find it a very useful tool to get ideas and thoughts from others. I would post up small sections of my video and ask for comments, which I would then consider and maybe take on to improve the final cut. Without this, my research would not have been nearly as good so it was definitely essential.

I used this software to enhance some of my pictures. I have used this programme before to make story boards of various friendships, by adjusting and superimposing images. I found some of the more advanced aspects of the programme tricky especially in making my Digipack, but I feel I have come to understand more of the capabilities of this programme and I think it is a very powerful tool. When I got stuck I either asked for help or searched on YouTube for what i wanted to do. It was definitely very important in making my Digipack as I cut images form the video and superimposed these cuts into Photoshop and then used the programmes effects to create the final result however most of the time, the shots that I used were actual photos and not stills from a video. I really love using this programme, and find it rewarding, although sometimes it can take up quite a bit of my time to get to the result that I was wanting.
Final Cut Pro X

This is the main editing software that I used to edit my video. It is a very advanced piece of software and I am sure that there are many areas and effects that I could still find useful and interesting to use if only I had more time to explore it. We only had this programme for use on a Mac. I had not used a Mac before so initially I was a bit unsure of some of the short cuts or where to find other programmes on the computer, but this was soon overcome. I found the Mac was a far more powerful machine to use than my own pc and am considering buying one for when I go to university next year. This was probably the second most important tool that I needed to use in order to create my music video as I needed to take several of the scenes  and reorder them to get the flash backs to coincide with the ‘story’ of the song.

Paint is the programme where I would paste my screen grabs from various programmes and also where I would analyse many pictures and then from here I would save it and then post the finished result onto my blog. It was useful but not essential.


This is the website where all of our final drafts of our films were finally uploaded to. It gives you a section called ‘stedsadvancedportfolio’ where you can view all of the videos from our school; this is good because it allowed me to compare my film with others from my class very easily and it was a simple place to upload the videos. 

This is the website that I used the most because it allowed me to view many film openings, sound effects, production companies, interviews with editor and so on. It is a very simple website to use and it has so many things on it. I also used it to embed videos onto my blog with their individual embed codes.

All these technologies were essential tools needed in making my video a success. I really enjoyed the editing process of my coursework and feel that the result that I produced has demonstrated this. Without Final Cut Pro X I would not have managed to make the video. The effects within the programme were so useful as some of my shots had not been bright enough and I was able to rectify this. I would really love to complete another project using this programme.

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