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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Treatment Sheet

Propsed Title/Song: Jessie J - I Need This

For my music video I haven't yet decided who I am going to use for my character however I have a few people in mind that I will speak to this week.
I want to do the music video mainly when it’s bright so that you can see everything that is going on, this means doing the video before 3-4pm because that is when it gets dark this time of year. However I do also want to have some darker shots or just when it’s raining so waiting for this I will need to keep an eye on the weather forecast but also remembering that rescheduling might have to occur as the forecast is not always correct. To do this I would have to do most of my filming in the Christmas holidays or on the weekends because during school times, when I get back it would be too late.
I want to start my video when its dark and hopefully raining and become brighter as the day goes on, possibly with the sun rising if thats possible, then as the song builds up have her on top of the house whilst its very bright. This is only a rough guide so when I choose my actor to play Jessie J I will run these ideas past her and take her interpretation from then also.

The genre is slow tempo pop and is quite sad as the girl is not quite sure who she is yet and she needs space from the situation just to be by herself. It will also co-inside with a love story however this won't be the main focus.
I also have the idea of her looking trapped in this piece of artwork that my friend made resembling Alice in Wonderland's corridor. I would start with her looking trapped (either in this corridor or just in the house) then have her looking at herself from inside/outside the glass by layering clips on top of eachother, then have her trying to break out, then have her victorious on the roof and looking at herself from a plane (using the plane shot spoken about before.)
I also want to use flashbacks to make her remember who she is (maybe before she feels like jumping off the house?) and I will need to carry out a Risk Assesment for some of the ideas that I have.

Setting: The video will be set around my house however I don't want it to look as though its at a house. My house is made from glass and lots of wood so I think that it will look very different throughout.

Length: The video should last about 3.5-4 minutes

Format: Digital camera and edited on Final Cut proX.

Camerawork/Type of shots: A variety of shots will be used, I want a "jump cut" and "slow motion" to be a running theme throughout the video so that they really contrast one another depending on what mood or character she is. There will be lots of close shots however some long shots that I will use for example for the establishing shots.

Length of shots/editing: The video will features many long takes in the beginning of the song, however towards the end there will be many short scenes as the song speads up. I am aiming for around 70 different shots, as some will be around 5 seconds however some will only be about half a second long, if that.

Movement and action: Jessie J will be seen to be happy, moody and confused so she will often look at the camera and walk towards and away from it. This will be done because I want her to be relating to her audience.

Visial qualities: The video will be shot in colour. Each of the characters of "Jessie J" will have different costumes that will be completely different in colour and style. I have not decided whether I will have two or three costume changes (at the least).

Target audience: The target audience are mainstreamers who take comfort in media products that are not particularly challenging. They are aged between 14-30, mainly female. The video may also appeal to those going through a hard and confusing time in their lives as the song is about needing space but not just from others, also yourself.

Production methods: I will need to focus on different lighting, camera qualities, different editing techniques, general organisation and being the Director.

Equipment: 2 cameras, a tripod, editing equipment, lighting and costumes. Possibly also an aeroplane or a crane.

Time: I will aim for the filming to take around 3 weeks and the editing to take around 2 weeks

Budget: £0.00 (however £70.00ish if I use the aeroplane).

Rationale: This video will show another side to Jessie J that isn't just happy and strong. It appeals to a large audience, mainly girls however some boys too. It may be deemed hard to watch however I think that it has a strong message that is important for the public to hear. 

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