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Sunday 18 December 2011

Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect

I've been looking at some of Jessie J's music videos for inspiration and I feel as though the music video that I want to create relates to the above video very well. I really like the different costume changes, the idea of her swinging on a swing. I also like the dark elements of her looking lost in a surreal world (similar to my Alice in Wonderland idea), being in a liquid and singing quite a lot to camera. However this video was done on a very high budget and for my music video I want to put my own spin on it so by taking inspiration from these element I have thought of a lot of my own new ideas that I can now put into my music video.
Last year for my media coursework I had the idea of the evil characters of my film opening coming out of my pond outside my house but I didn't use this idea as I felt it didn't work. This means that I can now use this idea for this years work. I think that I am going to try and have a few clips of Jessie emerging from the pond as her bad inner self revealing itself or something along those lines. I want my video to have a lot of costume changes and because I get my nails done a lot I have noticed that as well as Jessie's continuous costume changes she also has a lot of nail changes that I will try and incorporate into my video as well. I also have a swing in my back garden which I may use in my video as well.

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