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Monday 5 December 2011

Initial Ideas for the Story Board

I've had so many ideas for my story board and music video but I don't quite know yet how to put them all together. These are my main ideas so far:

As previously mentioned I want to try and film from an aeroplane over my location and have my character singer on top or around my house being free. I think I want this to happen towards the end of the video though as it would emphasise victory and freedom.

I also want to include and sort of "Alice in Wonderland" theme and one of my friend's for their art coursework last year made a life size box whereby if you stand in it, everything behind you looks smaller. I've asked for her permission and she consented so I know need to figure out how this will work into my video and how I am going to transport it as it is very heavy and large; it is made from wood and is a cube shape of about 1.5m in length. I think that if I want to use it at my house that my uncle could drive one of his vans to go and collect it for me. I think that this scene would work well in the beginning of the movie as it shows her initial struggle and longing to be free.

Another idea that I have different times of day/year portrayed throughout the movie, at the beginning I think I want to have some darker shots or at times when it's raining as this can represent sadness. I want the weather to become brighter as the video progresses showing strength and improvement in my character.

Another idea would be to use flashbacks where she remembers happier and sad times within her life.

For all of these ideas to work I need to create a good and structured storyboard, be very organised in what I want to shoot and when and concentrate on editing as soon as I've finished filming.

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